The Super Bowl is 50

Sunday’s Super Bowl marks a milestone – celebrating its 50th Birthday. Long before the teams were decided, we’ve been reminded of this milestone, including seeing clips of past Super Bowl contests. How did we get here? Here to the cultural institution and unofficial holiday the Super Bowl has become. For those not able to attend or see a portion on television, the First World Championship...

Surviving a Hangover

By now your New Year’s Eve party destination has been chosen, the evening’s attire selected, and perhaps a few seemingly clever resolutions have been formed (just in case you are asked – and you will be). If you are reading this online magazine it is fair to assume that tipping a few glasses of adult beverages is also part of the plan. As the...

Nostalgia and Panache Collide: The Joy of Hot Chocolate

America is clearly a nation of chocoholics. Most of our chocolate delivery vehicles are cool or cold. Cakes, candies, and frozen dessert are seen and consumed frequently. These various forms provide an abundance of palate pleasure but offer little to our keenest sense–the olfactory. Hot chocolate excites our sense of smell from across a crowded room. The nose is not only our most potent...

Great Pairings Three – Saison and Morbier

There is an old adage in the beverage trade – sometimes the best wine for the job is a beer. This is certainly the case in matching cheese with an adult beverage. Beer simply has more complimentary flavors when pairing with cheese. Real Beer often offers grassy, herbal, or grain flavors with hints of citrus and has a natural effervesces that refreshes the palate when...

Pumpkin – Eat it! (Pumpkin Curry Recipe)

This time of year you pumpkins are everywhere. You’ll find them in the local coffee shop, in bars, and props on the lawn at city hall. Many see the pumpkin as incomplete until it’s carved and displayed. When I see a pumpkin I get hungry! Pumpkin is delicious and very versatile working perfectly in both savory and sweet preparations. A pumpkin is a squash...

Celebrate Tomatoes

In late August and September our home gardens and the local farmer’s markets get flooded with great tomatoes. This is a glorious time and one that should be fully exploited. I look forward to having tomatoes each and every day when they are at their peak knowing that in a few months I just won’t be able to get them. While most pasta dishes...
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