Distilling the world of Spirits.
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Happy days are here again and perhaps it’s never bee more happy in regards to the Spirits marketplace. Today we have more choices than ever before, more innovation, and more people who care about products beyond simple brand recognition.
It’s not all roses however as demand affects supply and price and key categories such as Whisk(e)y are seeing soaring price tags.
While I may stop and sigh at store shelves remembering prices from just a decade ago I will choice to see the world of Spirits with a glass half-full.
Agave Spirits are on the rise, Irish Whiskey is enjoying true renaissance, Rum is evolving, and new Liqueurs are more intriguing than ever. Of course the steady influx of new products and the evolution of traditional styles and brands gives me a lot to talk about.
Be sure to check our Spirits related stories HERE.