The exploration of Scotch Whisky is a life’s work.
It’s no secret that Scotch Whisky is more popular now than ever with no ceiling in sight. Today it is hard to find a bar or restaurant that does not offer at least a modest selection of Scotch Whisky. Despite the growing number of Whisky converts, many remain confused by the perception of rituals surrounding its service and the peculiar Gaelic place names that adorn many Scotch Whisky labels.
Scotch is purely Scottish. It is not a style of Whisky rather simply a Whisky that is made in the nation of Scotland. It also has to be aged in oak barrels for at least three years to legally be called Scotch Whisky.
Some of the uneasiness in venturing into the world of Scotch Whisky is understandable as a vast number of labels are available, the names are unfamiliar to Americans, and the industry itself wraps the brands in a skillfully woven tapestry of lore and mystery. While all of the romance spun by Whisky’s marketing agents is designed to lure the potential consumer – which it does very well – it does frighten some.
There is no reason to fear Scotch Whisky. Be assured that there is no secret handshake, no Gaelic password, and no initiation rights to be performed (although a kilt doesn’t hurt). Your curiosity for new flavors and experiences is all that is required. If you have made the leap to distilled spirits and have acclimated to their inherent strength, easing into Whisky will be an easy transition. If you are a wine lover flirting with the idea of discovering Whisky, come on in – the water is warm.
Do you want to know more about Scotch Whisky? Sure you do – see ours story on Mastering Whisky
Also check out Scotch Whisky Regions here.