The Super Bowl is 50

Sunday’s Super Bowl marks a milestone – celebrating its 50th Birthday. Long before the teams were decided, we’ve been reminded of this milestone, including seeing clips of past Super Bowl contests. How did we get here? Here to the cultural institution and unofficial holiday the Super Bowl has become. For those not able to attend or see a portion on television, the First World Championship...

Discover Cahors – Malbec’s Original Triumph

Contributed by Taylor Eason @ It was called “Black Wine” for years – the French Malbec wines from Cahors in France’s Southwest region. The British were the main consumers of this rich, unctuous and tannic drink until the root louse phylloxera decimated the vineyards in the late 1800’s. 100 years later, after replanting with terroir in mind, the Cahors wine producers awakened to...

Memorial Day

For too many I fear, Memorial Day is simply the unofficial start of summer. It’s a welcomed three-day weekend and celebrated with parades, grilling, and maybe a baseball game. All of these activities sound pretty fun to me as well. Perhaps in the midst of the fun that a long weekend brings we could devote a minute or two of  reflection on the meaning...

Cinco de Mayo – Spring is Here!

Cinco de Mayo, that coincidentally falls on May 5, commemorates the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. In the USA Cinco de Mayo is often confused with Mexican Independence that actually came 50 years previous to the battle at Puebla. Cinco de Mayo is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, while in the United States...

Bourbon Thieves Nabbed

In October of 2013 national headlines were made when it was reported that cases of the rare and prized Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon had been stolen. The entire theft ring had netted more than just Pappy as both casks and bottled goods of Eagle Rare, also from Buffalo Trace as well as Bourbon from Wild Turkey Bourbon were stolen. Yesterday, April 21, 2015, nine...

Are You in a Rut?

BevX Spreading Good Cheer Are you in a rut? Seriously. Take a look around. Have you been anywhere new lately? Are you watching the same shows on the TV, taking the same way to work and wearing the same clothes? Do your dinner choices simply boil down to A, B, or C? Are you drinking the same, boring wines? If you have answered yes...
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