The Fancy Irish Coffee

The standard Irish Coffee is more than enough regarding being a solid drink on a cold and wet day – it might just be required. However, the Irish Coffee has become such a ubiquitous cocktail being offered at every bar from the lowliest of college bars to the classiest hotel bar. When creating cocktails for Irish Bars, I found myself and my clients wanting...

The Beautiful Margarita

I’m in love with everything about this emerald beauty. I love the Margarita’s pure drinkability factor. I love its simplicity and its complexity, how it brings together three commodities of substance to create something whose sum is truly greater than its parts. Like many of the world’s greatest discoveries, the Margarita’s origins are shrouded in mystery. There are no fewer than a dozen compelling...

The Tale of the Negroni

It’s time again for one of the happiest (if not the happiest) weeks of the year — Negroni Week. This year’s Negroni Week spans from September 16 to 22. This drink is so simple to prepare and requires just three ingredients: Campari, Sweet Vermouth, and Gin. These are three Spirits that you need in your home bar at all times so a Negroni is...

Spring Cocktails 2023

What to drink? By the time spring rolls around I’m tired of thinking about drinks in terms of – what will warm the bones and take the chill out of the air? we are seasonal drinkers (and eaters) and we don’t think that we are alone. Restaurants change their menus from season to season for just this very reason. We crave different things in...

Winter Warmers — Hot Cocktails for the Holidays

It’s the time for Winter Warmers that snap our chills and fill us with the warmth of the holiday season. The recipes offered below are intended to satisfy a family and can be scaled-up to share with a gathering of friends. Think of the warm sauce pot as winter’s punch bowl. Today we submit our contribution to the season with these Winter Warmers. Get...

Top Five Gin Cocktails

Gin is the ultimate cocktail spirit being an essential ingredient in many classic cocktails. Gin is happy being the star or playing a supporting role in cocktails contributing its unique blend of aromatic herbs and spices to your happy hour elixir. We have steered clear of naming Gin brands here as we know that you Gin drinkers are very brand loyal. Gin is perhaps the most...
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