• Mulled Wine (Christmas Nectar)

    Mulled, spiced wine is one of the great and classic staples of the Christmas season. It’s a universal signal of the season being found anywhere that a December chill can be found. In Nordic countries they call it Glögg, in German-speaking na...
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  • Wisconsin Wine Cooler

    The wine cooler or spritzer is suffering from a poor reputation. Why would this great summer cocktail be out of fashion for so long? Well apparently there are still shivers caused by the numerous wine cooler brands sold in the 80s and 90s. It's time to put all o...
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  • Festive BevX Sangria

    Sangria is a festive drink with universal appeal. It's a fantastic choice when entertaining a group as all of the work is done long before your guests arrive. The problem with Sangria is that it is often executed poorly being made with substandard ingredients. W...
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  • Rosé Punch

    Whenever winter continues and spring is just a hope we can’t help but to think of spring. This great and easy to construct punch is ideal for spring and summer brunch. We like to use a full-flavored Rosé with just a hint of sweetness. Don’t skimp on the Ros...
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